There is good news and bad news on the individual health care front. First the bad news. Bad News Today it’s much more difficult for individuals in certain parts of the country to purchase federally subsidized health care coverage on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces. Many major insurance companies, such as UnitedHealth Group, Humana...
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Insured and Broke: The Problem of Underinsurance
Unfortunately, having health insurance doesn’t mean you’ll be able to afford the out-of-pocket expenses not covered by your insurer. The Commonwealth Fund released a survey in 2014 that found 31 million adults aged 19 to 64 were underinsured. It defines an underinsured person as someone whose out-of-pocket medical expenses — not including premiums — are...
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The Costs of Not Having Health Insurance
It’s open enrollment: time to select your health insurance plan for the coming year. If you were thinking about skipping it this time around, get ready to pay regardless. Fines for not having coverage are increasing. For 2016, they will be $695 for each adult and $347.50 for each child, up to $2,085 for a...
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Insuring Your College Student
An estimated three million students have health insurance through student health plans offered by colleges, universities or other institutions of higher education. Plans vary widely in coverage and quality. If you have a student heading off to college, make sure he or she has the right coverage. In 2012, the Department of Health and Human...
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How to Pick the Right Health Insurance Plan
The ultimate purpose of health insurance is to offset potentially high medical expenses. Most people get health insurance through their employer, but if you don’t, your independent insurance agent can help you. Before we delve deeper into the details of what to look for when choosing a health insurance plan, here are some important terms...
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7.5 Million Americans Paid Penalty for Lacking Health Coverage
According to the Internal Revenue Service, almost 7.5 million Americans have had to pay a penalty for lacking health insurance in 2014 – and the tax season isn’t over. As of mid-July, the IRS had processed approximately 135 million of the approximately 150 million individual tax returns it expects for tax year 2014. In 2014,...
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Supreme Court Okays Health Insurance Subsidies
In late June, the Supreme Court issued its decision in King v. Burwell. The case challenged the legality of subsidies in federally run or federally facilitated health insurance exchanges. The Court ruled the subsidies could stand, a decision that probably saved the exchanges in 34 states from a “death spiral.” The Court Case The plaintiffs...
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Obamacare Subsidies on Trial
The Supreme Court recently released its opinion in King v. Burwell. The decision went in favor of the Obama administration, upholding the legality of the subsidies created by the Affordable Care Act. The Court Case Proponents of the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchanges—and a majority of the people who buy coverage on them—can breathe...
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How Giving Impacts Your Retirement
Can you be too generous? A recent survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) found that providing financial support and/or unpaid care to family or friends can affect your retirement savings. Whether it’s a friend recuperating from surgery or an adult child going through difficult times, you might find yourself providing financial support or...
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Lose Weight, Save Money
Excess weight not only affects your health; it can affect your finances. Researchers have linked overweight and obesity to the following health conditions: Coronary heart disease Type 2 diabetes Cancers, such as endometrial, breast, and colon High blood pressure (hypertension) High total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides (dyslipidemia) Stroke Liver and gallbladder disease Sleep...
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