In alternative dispute resolution (ADR), a neutral third party helps parties to a dispute reach a resolution outside of the court system. The most common types of ADR are mediation, arbitration and mini-trials. Mediation lets two or more parties solve disputes through the use of a mediator, a trained neutral third party. The mediator opens...
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The Insurance Formerly Known as Boiler and Machinery
If you’ve been in business a while, you might have heard the phrase “boiler and machinery insurance.” However, today’s policies do much more than cover boilers and machinery, hence the name change. Read on to learn more about this valuable coverage. Insurers introduced boiler and machinery coverage in the mid-1800s to cover valuable steam-powered machinery...
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Auto Fleet Safety Programs Pay
If your company maintains an auto fleet (including passenger vans and pickups), no matter how small, you want to keep your insurance rates under control. One of the best ways to do that is to make your fleet as safe as possible. Auto fleet safety programs pay big dividends, if you implement them properly. There...
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10 Tips for Protecting Your Company from Auto Liability Claims
Although the number of auto liability claims has fallen in the last few years, the cost of claims is increasing, even though the severity of injuries is decreasing. In 2012, auto liability claim costs for property damage averaged $3,073; cost of bodily injury claims averaged $14,653, according to the Insurance Services Office (ISO). Protect your...
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9 Tips For Building a Company Social Media Policy
More than 70 percent of businesses surveyed reported having to discipline an employee for “social media misuse.” Considering the reach and persistence of social media, employers should ensure employees know the do’s and don’ts of social media at work. Establishing a company social media policy should be a priority. What exactly is “social media misuse”?...
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Crowd Management Safety
In 2008, a retail worker died from being trampled during a holiday sale event. OSHA has sent letters to major retailers to remind employers about the potential hazards of large crowds at retail stores during the holiday season. It is encouraging retailers to use the safety guidelines, Crowd Management Safety Guidelines for Retailers, available on...
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Gun Rights vs Employer Property Rights
The debate over gun rights often pits the individual’s right to bear arms and the rights of private property owners, such as employers, to prohibit firearms on their premises. The Second Amendment is one of the most widely disputed provisions of the Bill of Rights. Two opposing interpretations dominate the debate: one that the amendment...
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Additional Insured Coverage
Additional insured coverage can protect your organization from liability due to contractors’ and subcontractors’ operations. Liability insurance covers you from losses due to claims your company, its employees or products or services caused harm or wrong to a third party. Sometimes, however, your organization can be considered “vicariously liable” when another business, such as a...
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Liability Insurance for Nonprofits
November is Nonprofit Awareness Month. If you manage or serve on the board of one of the estimated 1.58 million nonprofit organizations in the U.S., thank you for your service. To ensure your organization can continue its good work, you have an obligation to ensure it has taken steps to reduce its liability risks. One...
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Getting to Know Your Property Policy
Understanding the who, what, when, where and how of your property policy can ensure you have the coverage you need, when you need it. Who Business property policies cover real estate and personal property owned by the “named insured.” The policy lists this person or entity on the declarations page, located near the front of...
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