You have more control over your healthcare costs than you might think. The following pointers will help you become a better consumer, save money and possibly improve your health. Use a network provider whenever possible. To control their increasing provider costs, some insurers have been reducing their network provider lists. When your health plan...
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Understanding the Health Insurance Claims Process
When you’re sick, injured or coping with a family member’s serious health condition, dealing with an insurance company is probably the last thing you want to do. Understanding the health insurance claims process — what your policy covers and how it pays claims *mdash; can help you avoid unpleasant surprises. Is the individual covered? A...
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Insurance For Your Property in Storage
Too much stuff? Almost 9 percent of American households rented a self-storage unit in 2012, up from 6 percent in 1995. Before joining them, be aware that you, as the lessee, remain responsible for loss or damage to everything in your unit, unless your rental agreement specifies otherwise. The contents coverage section (Coverage C) of...
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How Are Your Auto Rates Calculated?
Most people know that having a car accident can affect the price of their auto insurance. However, insurance companies use many factors to determine what they charge, and some of those factors may surprise you. Knowing what determines your premium could help you save money. Auto insurance premiums are determined by two factors: underwriting and...
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Beware “Zero Premium” or “Stranger Originated” Life Insurance
State insurance departments are warning citizens to beware so-called “zero premium” or “stranger originated” life insurance arrangements. If you receive such an offer and it sounds too good to be true, it could be. Sellers of zero-premium life insurance might refer to it by other names, such as investor-owned life insurance or stranger-owned life insurance....
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Umbrella Policies: Rainy Day Protection
Bad things happen: that’s why people buy auto and homeowners insurance policies. But America’s love affair with lawsuits means your coverage could fall short. That’s where umbrella policies come in. They provide a convenient and surprisingly affordable extra layer of protection for your key assets. What happens if you are sued for causing an auto...
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Ten Reasons to Buy a Personal Umbrella Policy
In general, personal umbrellas provide extra coverage, high limits and extend your other coverages &dash: all at relatively little cost. Here are the specifics: The typical homeowners policy provides only $100,000 to $300,000 in liability coverage. A lawsuit can cost much more. A personal umbrella policy can provide limits of $1 million or more, in...
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Do You Need Travel Insurance?
Foreign travel checklist: Passport – check. Visa – check. Airline tickets – check. Hotel reservations – check. Health insurance coverage – ??? Any foreign travel requires some planning. Since nothing can ruin a trip faster than an accident or unexpected illness, don’t forget to check how your health insurance coverage applies outside the U.S.! Generally,...
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